Denver County Court

Denver County Court Local Rules

On December 19, 1995, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court approved Local Rules for the County Court of the City and County of Denver.

The Local Rules are:

Section I – General Rules

  • Rule I – Assignment of Judicial Business
  • Rule 2 – Term of Court
  • Rule 3 – Presiding Judge
  • Rule 4 – En Banc Sessions
  • Rule 5 – Adoption and Amendment of Rules
  • Rule 6 – Matters Taken Under Advisement
  • Rule 7 – Setting Aside Judgment, Decree or Order
  • Rule 8 – Magistrates

Section II – Resolution of Municipal Ordinance Non-Criminal Infractions

  • Rule 9 – Scope and Purpose
  • Rule 10 – Application
  • Rule 11 – Definitions
  • Rule 12 – Commencement of Action
  • Rule 13 – Payment Before Appearance
  • Rule 14 – First Hearing
  • Rule 15 – Discovery
  • Rule 16 – Subpoena
  • Rule 17 – Dismissal Before Final Hearing
  • Rule 18 – Final Hearing
  • Rule 19 – Judgment After Final Hearing
  • Rule 20 – Post Hearing Motions and Appeal
  • Rule 21 – Venue
  • Rule 22 – Continuances
  • Rule 23 – Default
  • Rule 24 – Effective Date
  • Rule 25 – Title

Appendix to Rules for Non-Criminal Infractions

Special Form Index

  • Form A – Waiver of Rights and Admission of Guilt
  • Form B – Subpoena by First-Class Mail