Denver County Court

Photography and Recording

Prohibition on the recording and transmission of Audio, and/or Still and Video Photography in Courtrooms, clerk’s offices

Except as outlined in this section, the recording of Audio, Still and Video images; and or the transmission of Audio, Still or Video Photography, (collectively referred to as AV Recording), by any person or organization is strictly prohibited in any courtroom, chamber, office or clerk’s office of the Denver County Court, without the prior consent of the Court.


Members of the media seeking to create AV recordings of any court related event transpiring within a courtroom, shall file a WRITTEN motion for Expanded Media Coverage. The judicial officer assigned to a specific courtroom has the sole discretion on granting or denying all motions for expanded media coverage, or for allowing in chambers AV Recording, as well as placing any limitations on expanded media coverage, including but not limited to, placement of equipment, shared feeds, and the obscuring of facial features of witnesses.

The obtaining of AV Recordings of courtrooms for commercial use (for example, advertising) must be approved by the Facilities Manager for the building in which the courtroom resides and the judicial officer assigned to the courtroom.

Permission to make AV Recordings in any office or clerk’s office of the court may be granted by the Presiding Judge, or his/her authorized designee.

For educational, training or other legitimate purposes, the Court shall consider, and may grant the right to engage in AV Recording, on a case-by-case basis.

Section 9 of Amended Administrative Order 09-01 regarding the use of electronic devices within the court, reads, in relevant part, as follows:

“…In all courtrooms: All electronic devices, except laptop computers for the purpose of taking notes, devices used to schedule future proceedings and muted cell phones shall be turned off. Any electronic transmission of information from the courtroom including cell phone texting, photos, videos, cell phone calls, internet use and other similar communication is prohibited without express consent of the Court. No person, except court personnel, may take a sound or photographic recording (still and/or video) of any proceeding or person, including, but not limited to, jurors, witnesses, or parties. {emphasis added} Persons may use laptop computers so long as such use is not disruptive to court proceedings and the computer is muted. A judicial officer may further restrict or expand the use and possession of electronic devices in the courtroom.

In all hallways, clerk’s offices and public areas of the buildings (other than courtrooms):  Electronic devices may be used so long as such use is not disruptive of court proceedings. The prohibition against sound and photographic recording of any person extends to all areas of the buildings unless specifically permitted by a judicial officer or building security personnel (i.e. weddings, adoptions or other ceremonial events).

Media: Members of the media desiring access to the courthouse with cameras or other recording devices shall be required to present a valid media credential or other valid photo identification with a business card at the security checkpoint. With a valid media credential, cameras shall be permitted and may be used only in the main hallways of the courthouses. Public Access to Records and Information Court Rule 2, Chapter 38, governing Expanded Media Coverage still applies, as cameras are not allowed in courtrooms without express consent of the court…”