Denver County Court

Social Media

General Policy and Information Regarding the Court’s Use of Social Media, Including Connections to Third-Party Websites and Social Media Pages

As part of the third branch of government, the Denver County Court (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Court’ or ‘the Court’s’) remains committed to being an independent, impartial, neutral and non-biased organization.  The Court also recognizes that the public whom we serve, obtain more and more information via electronic venues such as websites, social media and social computing.  Therefore, the Court may engage in the creation and maintaining of its own social media pages; which at the sole discretion of the Court, it may link, ‘like’ or ‘fan’ different websites or web pages to the Court’s official website ( or any other court website(s) or social media site(s) or page(s). On very rare occasions, the Court may also choose to link to an individual’s social media page or website (for example the Mayor of Denver, or Governor of Colorado).   The Court engages in these activities solely for informational purposes, with the intent of providing a general community service.  These links typically will be to web pages and websites that relate to government, community, education, general information, court operations, professional organizations (court) or the legal field in general.  The Court may also include links to information such as road closures near court occupied buildings during a parade, or safety related issues.  The Court, as a proud part of the City and County of Denver, the State of Colorado, and the United States of America, may also link to other courts, tourist venues, art venues, various Colorado sports teams, or other websites or pages which the Court deems may be of general interest to the general public.

In general, the purpose of the Court’s connections to other websites and webpages are designed to provide a more seamless experience for our customers, and may assist them in receiving other services.  Such links are not intended to be, nor should they be misunderstood to mean, that the Court is not impartial.  As an example, the Court currently links its social media page ( to the Denver Sheriff’s Department and Denver Police Department social media pages.  This should not be misconstrued to mean that the Court is on the same ‘side’ as law enforcement.  The link itself is simply designed to recognize that many people who have business with the Court, may also have business with the Denver Sheriff’s Department or Denver Police Department.  For instance, a person who is wanting to post bond with the Court to get a family member out of jail, may also be in need of information from the Denver Sheriff Department on the location or hours of the detention facility; a person who wants to obtain a protection order may also be in need of information from the Denver Police Department on how to report a threat of violence or other crime.  The Court may also link to sites such as the Office of the Independent Monitor, where persons can report complaints or commendations related to law enforcement.  The general purpose of these links is to provide a much easier way for court users to navigate between various agencies.

To maintain the integrity and impartiality of the Court, the Court’s use of social media and third party links is designed to be a one way interaction.  The Court will typically not interact, beyond the use of a link, ‘like’, fan or comment posting with any agency, organization, or individual’s social media page.  Since it is imperative that all court business be conducted within the assigned courtrooms, the Court will also not respond to comments, posts, surveys, remarks or records requests presented to the Court via social media.

Links, ‘like’, fan and comments placed on or to all third-party websites from the Court’s website or social media pages, are updated, modified and otherwise maintained by the Court’s administrative staff.  These actions are neither suggested, nor endorsed by any judicial officer of the Denver County Court.  While the Court vets and administratively approves all links, ‘like’, fan, comments and general posts made from our website or social media pages, neither the Court, nor the City and County of Denver can be responsible for content that is provided by, updated or otherwise maintained by a third-party website.  To report a link that may be questionable, improper, broken or should otherwise be modified or removed from the Court’s website or the Court’s official social media page(s), you may click HERE to report the problem. Please be advised that the Court will review all appropriate submissions, however, the Court will not provide individual responses to submissions made regarding social media.

The Denver County Court reserves the right to modify this policy as it meets the ongoing, dynamic needs of the Court.

[Last updated: June 16, 2014]

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