Identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in the United States. Identity theft can come in multiple forms, but its impact is always frustrating. Identity theft occurs when someone fraudulently uses your personal identifying information to obtain credit, take out a loan, open accounts, get identification, or any other activity in which a criminal uses your information in an unauthorized way, including using your name if they get arrested so it goes on your record.
If an identity thief has impersonated you when they were arrested or cited for a crime, there are things you can do to correct your record. The Colorado Attorney General outlines 10 steps to take if you are a victim of identity theft. One step is you must file a report with your local law enforcement agency. To prevent being arrested, carry copies of documents showing that you are a victim of identity theft, even if you do not know that criminal violations have been attributed to your name. If they have, contact the law enforcement agency that arrested the identity thief. Or if there is a warrant for arrest out for the impersonator, contact the court agency that issued the warrant.
If the warrant or case is in Denver County Court, contact the Court at (720) 865-7800 to see how you can appear before a judge. Bring a copy of the police report and any other documentation showing that you were not the individual arrested or cited. The judge will make a determination based on the information you provide.
Other information regarding what to do if you are a victim of identity theft can be found on the Fair Trade Commission site.