Denver County Court

Small Claims Handbook

A Guide for


Guide for Filing, Answering,

Proving and Defending a

Small Claims Court Case

October 2007

Amended June 2012

Written by

Alan Bucholtz

This guide is intended to provide information on how to file, answer, prove and defend a Small Claims Court case. It is intended to supplement the document entitled “Filing a Small Claims Case” which is available at Small Claims Court Clerk’s Offices at 1437 Bannock Street, Room 104 or Room 135.

The guide is divided into two main sections, the first dealing with Small Claims Court forms and the second dealing with how to prove or defend a case.

The Guide is for general information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Legal advice may be obtained by consulting a lawyer or an agency such as Colorado Legal Services. Under certain circumstances a lawyer may appear in Small Claims Court, but even if lawyers do not actually represent parties in a small claims case, they may be available to provide guidance.

I. Small Claims Court Forms

A. Notice, Claim and Summons to Appear

This is a four-part form   available at the Clerk’s Office at 1437 Bannock Street, Room 135 (for purchase) or on this site under Small Claims Forms, (make sure you include all four (4) parts).   The first section of each of the four parts must be completed (PRINT ALL PAGES) by the Plaintiff and constitutes the document that begins the case.

Part 2   contains the Defendant’s Response and any counterclaim information, along with additional information for Defendants.

Part 3   contains information for Plaintiffs in Small Claim cases.

Part 4   contains an affidavit of service, to be completed by the person who serves the Notice, Claim and Summons to the Defendant(s).

1. Completing the Notice, Claim and Summons to Appear For Trial (Part 1)

The upper left part of this form is for designating the Plaintiff(s) and Defendant(s). If the Plaintiff is an individual, the specified information can be easily completed. However, if the Plaintiff is a business entity, such as a corporation, limited liability company, association or other type of business entity, then its relevant information should be inserted.

For example, if Mr. John Jones has a plumbing business which is incorporated as “ABC Plumbing Company” and the claim is for unpaid plumbing services, then the Plaintiff should probably be ABC Plumbing Company, not Mr. Jones individually. On the other hand, if “ABC Plumbing Company” is not a corporation, but is only a trade name that Mr. Jones uses in his business, then the proper Plaintiff would be “John Jones, d/b/a ABC Plumbing Company.

Likewise, the Defendant(s) may be either an individual or a business entity. In some situations there may be more than one possible Defendant.

The Colorado Secretary of State has records of business entities and can provide the proper name, and address of the entity and the name and address of the agent for service of process. The website and phone number for the Secretary of State is ( or 303-894-2200).

It is important to name the right Defendant(s). If you mistakenly sue an individual employee or officer of a business entity, instead of the entity, you could lose the case, or be delayed in getting to trial.

If a business entity is a defendant, the name and address of the agent for service should be entered on the specified lines. The appropriate boxes just below the agent’s name and address should also be properly checked. The defendant(s) must be served with copies of the papers at least fifteen (15) days before the scheduled trial date.

Additionally, the Plaintiff must complete the section entitled “Plaintiff(s)’s Claim”. The amount being claimed or property being sought must be stated along with the reasons for the claim. The reasons do not need to be written with legal precision, but should be sufficient to give the Court a general idea of why you filed the suit.

Keep in mind that in the event you obtain proper service and if the Defendant(s) does not appear, a judgment awarded cannot exceed the amount stated in the claim or go beyond the return of listed property. In a default situation, the Plaintiff will have to show the Court the place of trial is proper and present a basis for the judgment.

After the above information is completed and the form is signed, then the clerk’s office will complete the “Notice and Summons to Appear for Trial” box. The scheduled date must be at least thirty (30) days after the filing date, but remember that the papers must be served at least fifteen (15) days before the trial date.

2. Serving the Papers

The Defendant’s copy of the form (Part 2) must be properly served on the Defendant. Proper service in accordance with the Rules is important. If there is more than one Defendant, each Defendant must receive a separate copy. Photocopies of the form are acceptable for service. If a photocopy is served, pages 3, 4 and 5  must be included.

Service may be completed by any person over the age of eighteen (18) who is not a party to the case, or by the Sheriff. The Plaintiff is not allowed to serve the papers. As an alternative to personal service, the document may be served by certified mail, but only by the clerk’s office, at the Plaintiff’s expense.

A fully completed Affidavit of Service   (Parts 4) must be filed for each Defendant served. The Sheriff’s office may serve the documents, as well as professional process servers. They know how to complete proper affidavits of service.

Completion of part 4, of the form by the process server should include the following steps:

      1. The case name and number at the top of the page should be completed. (The case number will be assigned when the case is filed and the docket fee is paid.)
      2. The “Name”, “Date” and “Place” should be completed. “Name” means the name of the person or entity being served. The “Date” is the date on which the service occurred. “Place” means the address (street, city and state) at which service was made.
      3. Below the “Name, Date and Place” section are seven (7) statements to be used to identify how the named Defendant was served.

The first four statements relate to serving an individual, the first for personal service, the second for service by refusal, the third for substituted service at home and the fourth for service at his or her place of business.

The fifth and sixth statements relate to service on a business entity.

The last statement relates to alternate (other service under C.R.C.P. 304) service.

It is important to check the box next to the proper statement and complete the statement as indicated on the form, by identifying the person to whom the papers were given (wife, husband, mother, etc.) or by circling the proper person’s title.

      1. The process server, after completing the form, should print his or her name, sign it before a Notary Public, and have his/her signature notarized.
      2. Fees for service and mileage can then be added, but are not a necessary part of the Affidavit. (If you wish to have the Denver Sheriff’s Department serve your papers in Denver, you can contact them at 720-865-9556 to inquire about their fees and policies.)

3. The Answer and Counterclaim

On or before the scheduled trial date, the Defendant(s) should complete Part 2 of the Notice, Claim and Summons to Appear for Trial.

The response may be as simple or extensive as necessary (additional pages may be attached), provided that the response gives some indication of why the claim is disputed.

If the Defendant(s) has a counterclaim against any of the Plaintiff(s), that may be stated as well. The same guidelines for completing the Plaintiff’s Claim (Section 1, above) apply to completing the counterclaim.

If the counterclaim arises out of the same situation that caused the Plaintiff to file the original claim, it must be stated or it may be lost. If the counterclaim is more than $7,500, the Defendant can remove the case to County or District Court.

The statements just below the counterclaim describe the options and the proper box should be checked.

The response and/or counterclaim must then be signed, dated and filed on or before the date of trial.

B. Other Forms

The following Pre-judgment forms are available for use in Small Claims Cases.

1. Notice of Removal  

This form is to be used when a counterclaim is filed which exceeds the jurisdictional limit of Small Claims Court ($7,500 at present) and if the Defendant does not want to limit the claim to $7,500. The form is basically a follow-up to completion of the statements just below the Counterclaim (as described in Section A3 above.)

2. Subpoena or Subpoena Duces Tecum  

If a witness will not come to court voluntarily, a party may request a Subpoena (for a person) or a Subpoena Duces Tecum (for a person to bring specific documents or things to court). If appropriate, the Court will order the subpoena and the party requesting it must have it properly served on the witness, along with the required witness fee.

3. Motion to File Without Payment and Supporting Financial Affidavit  

If a party, Plaintiff or Defendant, is unable to pay the required filing fee, he or she may complete the form “Motion to File Without Payment and Supporting Financial Affidavit”. The Court will then consider whether all or part of the costs may be waived.

Even if the filing fees are waived, the party requesting it may still have a judgment for the other party’s costs entered against him or her if the other party wins the case.

4. Notice of Representation by Attorney  

Generally, an attorney in Small Claims Court may not initially represent a Plaintiff. However, if a Defendant wants to be represented by a lawyer, a Notice of Representation by Attorney must be filed, on the court specified form, at least seven (7) days before the first scheduled trial date.

If the Defendant files such a notice, the Plaintiff may then elect to also be represented by a lawyer.

II. Proving and Defending a Small Claims Court Case

This section of the Guide is intended to provide background and other information on how to obtain and present testimony and documents that will support or defend their case in court.

When pro se litigants come to Small Claims Court for trial, they need to present evidence in support of their respective positions. However, the concept of evidence or how to sustain a position in court pursuant to evidentiary law is one which challenges even the best of lawyers. Non-lawyers representing themselves or their businesses cannot be expected to know the complex “Rules of Evidence”, but at the same time they must be able to present sufficient information in court to sustain their respective positions or contentions.

A. Small Claims Court Rules

The Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure (C.R.C.P.), which can be found in any library or online at www.lexis/ and contains a separate section for the rules of Small Claims Court. Rule 501(b) provides that the rules “…shall be liberally construed (interpreted) to secure the just, speedy, informal and inexpensive determination of every small claims action.”

The critical word in the quoted material is “informal”, as opposed to formal or technical proof of a claim or position.

Rule 513 also makes reference to informality, stating that the object of a small claims trial is “…to dispense justice promptly and economically between the parties.” It goes on to state that, “Rules of evidence shall not be strictly applied…” except that constitutional and statutory privileges shall be adhered to.

The practical effect of the above rules is that the judge or magistrate hearing the case may consider testimony and evidence not normally allowed in more formal court proceedings. It is within the court’s discretion how to apply the Rules of Evidence, and what evidence to consider or disregard.

B. What is “Proof”?

The form entitled “Notice, Claim and Summons to Appear for Trial” is the basic Small Claims Court document. It has a place for the Plaintiff (the person initiating the case) to describe what or how much is being claimed, and why the claim is being made. The claim itself and the answer and counterclaim (if there is one) are not proof. They are merely statements of position. The “proof” is what is presented at trial.

Part 2 of the “Notice, Claim and Summons to Appear for Trial” has a place for the Defendant (the person against whom a claim is made) to state why the amount claimed or other action requested should not be allowed. The Defendant may also file a ‘counterclaim’ against the Plaintiff. A counterclaim is a claim by the Defendant against the Plaintiff seeking either money or some other action.

It is the responsibility of the Plaintiff to “prove” his/her/its claim by a preponderance of the evidence. The Defendant may offer proof to contest the Plaintiff’s claim, and if there is a counterclaim, the Defendant has the responsibility of proving that counterclaim by a preponderance of the evidence. Of course, the Plaintiff may present evidence to contest the counterclaim.

“Preponderance” of the evidence, means, in simple terms, which side’s “proof” is more convincing to the judge or magistrate. It is a “more than 50%” test.

“Proof”, as that word is used in the caption of this section, means the entire presentation of one side, whether by testimony or exhibits, to the court. “Proof” is what enables the judge or magistrate to decide whether the “preponderance of the evidence” test has been met.

C. Why is “Proof” Required?

“Proof” of a claim or counterclaim is required in order to allow the judge or magistrate to decide who should win the case. A claim (or counterclaim) usually consists of two elements: liability and damages.

The liability segment requires a presentation of testimony or exhibits to establish that the Defendant (or the Plaintiff, in a counterclaim situation) has done something which would legally allow the Plaintiff to get an award of money or other relief (such as the return of property). Such proof of liability answers the above question of “why” there should be a recovery.

The damages segment answers the question of “how much” the other party should be required to pay or “what action” the other party should be required to take.

It is possible to prove liability in many cases. However, unless you can show that damages, losses and/or harm have resulted, there may be no recovery.

Even when damages are proved, without a showing (“proof”) that the other party is responsible (liable) for the damage, there is no recovery.

In short, in order to prevail in court, proof of both liability (responsibility) and damage must be presented.

D. Who are the Parties?

Non-lawyers who appear in Small Claims Court are frequently confused about who should be the Plaintiff and who should be the Defendant or Defendants (if more than one). Careful attention needs to be given to this determination because it affects the issues of liability and damages.

For example, if an individual owns a business, and has formed a corporation or other form of business entity to carry on the business, a claim against a customer for nonpayment of a bill, should ordinarily be brought in the name of the business entity, not in the name of the individual owner of the business entity. While the individual owner, as a representative of the business may be able to prove that the Defendant did not pay for a purchase or other service, the payment was due to the corporation or entity, not the individual.

Similar factors apply to the proper naming of Defendants. While individuals are always involved in discussions and transactions, if a Plaintiff dealt with a corporation or other formal business entity, such as a Limited Liability Company (LLC), the proper Defendant is normally the business entity rather than the president of the corporation or the manager of a limited liability company or other entity.

While there are certain situations where corporate or other business entity shields may be ignored and individuals held responsible, establishing such circumstances involves complex proof, beyond the ability of most non-lawyers.

In short, naming the proper party Plaintiff (individual versus business entity) and the proper party Defendant(s) (individual versus business entity) is a vital preliminary decision in order to properly present a case.

E. Categories of Proof

There are, broadly speaking, two categories of proof. One is the testimony of witnesses, the other is “everything else” (usually documents, photographs, or recordings) generally referred to as “exhibits”.

1. Witnesses. Witnesses come in two varieties; lay witnesses and experts. Lay witnesses have first-hand knowledge of events and may only testify as to what they actually saw, heard, felt, etc. Expert witnesses are those people who by virtue of their education, training and experience have specialized knowledge in a particular area that would be required or helpful to the resolution of a claim. Experts can often give their opinion, even though they don’t have first-hand knowledge of the events.

The list of potential expert witness categories is almost endless. As applied to small claims cases it might include auto mechanics, real estate managers, auto appraisers and other persons with special expertise that would be helpful to the Court. Whether “expert testimony” is required or advisable in a case depends upon the circumstances of the case. Most often, due to the informality of Small Claims Court, expert testimony is not required, but some evaluation of the possibility of expert testimony is nonetheless appropriate, given the pervasiveness of such testimony.

Lay or non-expert witnesses usually establish the basic testimony in small claims cases. All witnesses who have personal knowledge of the circumstances (favorable to your case) should be brought to court to tell the judge or magistrate what they know.

If a witness with personal knowledge of what happened is not in court, testimony about what they said or did out of court (such as an affidavit) is less satisfactory evidence. The court cannot assess such witnesses’ credibility Since subpoenas are available for reluctant witnesses, parties who fail to have their witnesses in court, risk being unable prove their case.

In small claims court cases, the testimony of the parties to the dispute is very important in establishing the background and basic circumstances of the lawsuit. Usually, the court is most interested in hearing about the underlying facts, such as the date or dates involved, what the nature of the dispute is, whether there are independent witnesses or documentary support. Getting to the heart of the controversy is more vital than a lot of testimony about why one party or the other is a “bad” person or not to be trusted.

Repeating the same testimony is not very helpful. The judge or magistrate will generally ask questions to clarify anything that is not clear the first time. Being direct and to the point is the best course in presenting testimony.

2. Documentation and Other Evidence. Documents, photographs, letters, audio- tape or video recordings, and a wide variety of other objects are an important part of proving many cases and generally are very helpful to the court. If possible, you should have 3 copies of each document: the original for the judge, one copy for your opponent, and one copy for you.

Any written matter which describes the “deal” or agreement between the parties, such as a contract, lease, purchase order, bill, receipt, sale document, bank statement, returned check or similar writing should be brought to court and presented as an exhibit.

Letters, notes made at the time of the incidents being litigated, diagrams, blue prints, industry or business standards, or any other written or printed matter relating to the dispute is also helpful.

Photographs or video recordings are also very helpful in establishing a case. If video recordings are to be used, the party offering them must bring equipment necessary to play the recording (at least in Denver).

Summaries of the amounts claimed are very helpful. These can be in the form of a list, or even a cover page with other documents attached.

F. Specific Examples

The following examples of the “proof” required to establish a claim are not all-inclusive, and are presented only to give the parties an idea of what may be available to support a claim or defense. There are frequently other materials or witnesses available.

1. Proving Who is the Proper Party. Usually a Plaintiff or a Plaintiff’s authorized representative can testify as to the nature of the Plaintiff, that is, whether the claim is being made by an individual, corporation, partnership, limited liability company or other entity. If the identity of the proper party (Plaintiff or Defendant) is contested (disputed), a phone call or facsimile inquiry to the Colorado Secretary of State’s office or an internet inquiry should disclose the nature of an entity and who its officers or managers or partners are. Written printouts of the information should be available.

Very often, in deciding whether an individual or an “entity” is a proper party, a hint can be obtained from any documents involved in the dispute. If a bill or purchase order or letterhead refers to a business name and is followed by abbreviations or words such as “Company”, “Co.”, Incorporated”, “Inc.”, “Association”, “Assoc.”, “L.L.C.”, “Limited”, “L.L.P.” and so on, the chances are good that there is a business entity (as opposed to an individual) involved.

For the following examples, it is presumed that the proper individual or entity is a named party.

2. Auto Sales. If an auto sale is involved in a dispute, in addition to testimony about the transaction and circumstances, the following information would be helpful: a bill of sale or other agreement, receipts or cancelled checks showing payments, evidence of the transfer of the title (note: Colorado law provides that no sale of a used car is final until title is transferred), any repair bills or estimates or any other written matter or photos showing the nature of the problem.

3. Dishonored Checks. In cases involving checks that are returned, the check itself is critical. Any record of bank charges, if part of the claim, should also be brought to court. If a party is seeking treble (three times) damages under the applicable statute, proof that the proper statutory notice was sent is vital.

The statute imposes liability on the individual who wrote the check, even if it is an “entity” check, as well as the entity, so in such cases it may be proper to file a claim against both the entity and the person who signed the check.

4. Lease and Security Deposit Disputes. In disputes involving claims under a lease or rental agreement or for the refund of a security deposit, important documents to be presented include: the lease or rental agreement, any check-in or check-out forms, a demand for the security deposit refund if treble damages are claimed, a notice and description of why any part of a security deposit has been withheld, bills or receipts to repair damages, utility bills, and photos of the pre-rental condition of the property and/or post-move-out condition. In some cases testimony of an expert witness may be required to establish whether claimed damage is beyond “normal wear and tear.”

5. Auto Repair. Colorado has a specific statute dealing with Auto Repairs. Written estimates, invoices, work orders and waivers, consent forms and similar documents, are required to establish a claim or defense in these types of cases. Not having the required documents will limit the ability of a repair shop or mechanic from collecting or defending against auto repair claims.

6. Auto Accidents. Establishing liability or defending against it in auto accident cases, usually involves witness testimony. Any people who saw the accident, in addition to the drivers, should be brought to court to testify. Names of witnesses who are not known to the parties may sometimes be found on a police accident report, which can be obtained from the police department. The testimony of an investigating police officer is often helpful.

Diagrams (prepared in advance) or photos of the accident scene can be helpful to the court in deciding liability issues.

Copies of any ordinances or other law or regulation should be brought to court if the accident happened outside the city or county where the case is being heard. Thus, if the trial is in Denver, but the accident happened in Boulder, a copy of any ordinance or law, which applies in Boulder, should be presented to the Court in Denver. A Denver Small Claims Court can “judicially notice” (consider) the ordinances of the City and County of Denver and the statutes of the State of Colorado, but not of other cities or counties.

On the issue of damages, estimates, repair bills, auto rental receipts, photos of damage, doctor bills and other written evidence of expenses or damage should be produced. If either party had insurance, copies of the policies may be appropriate to establish that either there was no insurance coverage or what applicable deductibles are. If the damage exceeds the fair market value of the car, proof of what the fair market value is (expert testimony, Blue Book information, etc.) is appropriate.

If a party is claiming physical injury as a result of the accident, expert testimony (doctor, etc.) that the accident caused the injury is necessary in most cases. Exceptions to this might include a cut from glass or a photograph of bruises that would clearly have been related to the accident.

7. Wage Claims.  Applicable statutes frequently cover wage claims. If statutory penalties are sought, copies of the required demand are necessary. Contracts or other employment documents, copies of prior wage statements, termination notices, company or employer policies relating to employment and termination, and correspondences regarding the claim are of great value in deciding such cases.

8. Lost or Damaged Property. With some frequency, cases claiming that one person has taken or damaged personal property of the Plaintiff are filed. These often arise when roommates or friends split up.

Documents such as sales receipts, invoices, personal property schedules, or other written materials showing purchase price or ownership or repair costs are very helpful in these cases. Evidence of fair market value or replacement cost is also important.

9. Agreements for Goods or Services. In cases involving claims for providing goods or services, documents demonstrating what the agreement of the parties is about, any changes to the agreement and substantiating delivery of the goods or performance of the services is important. Where it is claimed that goods or services were not provided as agreed (damaged goods or negligently performed work), the testimony of independent witnesses, including experts who can testify as to the quality of the work, is important.

Testimony as to the reasonable value of services can also be significant. Experts may be required to establish reasonable value.

Where several potential defendants may be involved, a determination may have to be made as to which defendant the claim is against. For example, if a claimant had a subcontractor for work, he or she may not be able to pursue a claim against an owner, unless the owner personally or separately had an agreement with the subcontractor/claimant.

Any documents showing the relationship of the Plaintiff and Defendant, such as change orders, separate authorizations, invoices, billings and so on may be helpful to the Court in this regard.

III. Conclusion

Despite the fact that small claims cases are informal in most respects, the more specific and detailed the proof is, the easier it is for the judge or magistrate to arrive at a proper decision. Witnesses with personal knowledge, that can be present and testify under oath, are much more convincing than the reported statements of people who are not in court.

Documents and pictures which relate to the dispute are also much more convincing than recitations of oral agreements or conversations which are recalled differently by each party.

While “oral agreements” can be recognized and enforced in some cases, the court must first decide whether the parties really understood the terms of the agreement in the same way, at least at the beginning. By the time a trial begins, each party may have a different version of what happened. Therefore, any document shedding light on what was discussed, including such things as confirming letters or other writings reflecting the “deal” are very helpful.

The material in this guide is certainly no replacement for a comprehensive course on proving legal claims. This guide is offered only to give some general ideas for small claims participants.

Consideration should also be given to consulting a lawyer to obtain advice on the specifics of how to prove a particular claim or position. Although a party may decide not to be formally represented at trial, such a consultation may be helpful in obtaining and presenting proof.

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