Judge Briscoe was appointed to the bench in January of 2011. Judge Briscoe is a graduate of East High School in Denver. She earned her bachelor’s degree in sociology from Lincoln University and master’s degree in business from East Texas State University. In 1983, Judge Briscoe received her law degree from the University of Denver.
Judge Briscoe ran her own law practice from 1986 to 1988. From 1988 to 1996 she worked as counsel in the Colorado Governor’s Job Training Office. In 1996, Judge Briscoe began work as an Assistant City Attorney for the City and County of Denver.
Judge Briscoe serves, or has served, on the Colorado Bar Association Board of Governors, Sam Cary Bar Association Board, Advisory Council for the Office of Colorado’s Child Protection Ombudsman, and is an active member of Colorado Women’s Bar Association and the Colorado Hispanic Bar Association. She has received numerous community awards.