The Warm Welcome Court Child Care Center is available to provide high quality care while parents or guardians attend to their court business.
There are some policies and procedures in place to help insure the safety and well being of the children and staff, and help the Center operate smoothly.
- The Center is open from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Clients may check in 15 minutes prior to their scheduled court time. The Center is closed from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. daily for lunch. Clients are expected to return immediately following court business and before 12:00 p.m. if their case is scheduled in the morning. The only exception to this is if the Judge holds the case past 12:00 p.m. In this case, the Judge or Court Clerk must call the Center prior to 12:00 p.m. Clients may return 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time for the afternoon docket.
- A brief admission process will take place upon arrival. If possible, please obtain a referral form from the Court prior to check in. The purpose of the admission process is to gather basic information and get you on your way.
- No meals are served, but snacks will be provided while the children are at the Center.
- The Center maintains a high level of security, including locked doors and gates. Clients must ring the buzzer and be escorted in. The child(ren) will only be released to those persons who checked the child into the Center and will not be released to any other party.
- Our goal is to check clients in quickly and get them on their way back to court. We ask that parents/guardians help us do that by filling out the admission paperwork , meet the staff and be back on their way. Waiting around can sometimes make the separation much more difficult on the child.
- When checking in at the courtroom, please give the courtroom clerk your Validation Card. This alerts court staff to the fact children are at the Center and they can call us (or vice versa) should something happen.
- If a child is left at the Center and no emergency contact can be made, the Center will notify the Crisis Center. It is important to notify the Center staff of any courtroom or location changes.