There are times clients abuse the privileges of the Child Care Center and may be refused service. The following are reasons for refusal.
- Failure to return immediately following court business.
- Using the Center when no court business is scheduled i.e. shopping, etc.
- Children who exhibit any type of illness which may be contagious including; but not limited to, head lice, infections requiring antibiotics, fever over 99 degrees, excessive runny nose or cough, drainage from the eyes, ears and/or nose and any other illness that can be transmitted to the other children.
- Children who are taking antibiotics for illness less than 24 hours and/or the taking of over the counter medications 24 hours prior to their visit.
- Using loud, abusive, aggressive language or profanity with the staff while at the Center.
- Any physical or aggressive manner with the staff including extreme rudeness.
- Unverifiable court business.
- Any aggressive action towards a child. Teachers are mandated by law to notify Human Services of any suspected child abuse or neglect.
- Without written permission from the legal parent/guardian, children who are not directly related to or in custody of the client may not be admitted.
Contact the Director at 720-865-9930 with any questions or concerns.