Denver County Court

Outreach Court

The City and County of Denver offers Outreach Court to help people experiencing homelessness gain better access to the county court system and avoid deeper involvement with the criminal justice system.

Denver Outreach Court is designed to increase stabilization and reduce future interactions with the justice system for individuals experiencing homelessness or receiving homeless or transitional services.  The Court helps individuals take action on municipal level citations or warrants and provides direct, immediate access to supportive services and resources which can include but are not limited to substance use and mental health services, public transportation, vital documents, as well as providing peer support services. Immediate community service options are also available to complete court requirements.

Instead of requiring people to come to a courthouse, Outreach Court is held at the following dates and locations:

Haven of Hope (1101 W 7th Ave.) – 4/10, 5/8, 6/12, 7/10, 8/14, 9/11, 10/9, 11/13, 12/11

The AID Center (1370 Elati St.) – 1/24, 3/27, 5/22, 7/24, 9/25, (11/27 – TBD)

Denver Public Library – Central (10 W. 14th Ave.) – 2/28, 4/24, 6/26, 8/28, 10/23

The program is a partnership created by the Denver Office of Behavioral Health Strategies, Denver County Courts, Denver Human Services, the City Attorney’s Office, Office of the Municipal Public Defender, Haven of Hope, Denver Public Library, Denver Rescue Mission and Mental Health Center of Denver.

County Court also participates in the Homeless Connect and Veteran’s Stand Down events on an annual basis.