There are financial obligations associated with your sentence and probation. These can be complicated because fines, court costs, restitution, fees, and cost of services add up quickly. You are expected to pay the full amount of fines, costs, fees, and restitution upon sentencing, unless otherwise approved.
You can request a payment plan from the collection investigators located in Room 160 of the Lindsey-Flanigan Courthouse, 520 W. Colfax Avenue. You will need to provide financial information to include proof of income and expenses. The collection investigator will verify the information provided and determine if you qualify for a payment plan. You can contact Room 160 at 720-337-0410. If you are on a payment plan, you can make your payments online.
If you are approved, you are expected to make your payments on time. If you do not, the following consequences may result:
- Your probation may be revoked;
- A $50 failure to pay penalty will be assessed;
- If applicable to the charge, a $30 fee and a hold may be placed on your driver’s license by the Department of Motor Vehicles resulting in the inability to renew your license and/or the cancelling of your driver’s license;
- Your wages may be garnished;
- Your outstanding debt may be referred to a collection agency;
- A $10 late fee will be imposed for each late payment;
- Your credit rating could be negatively impacted.
You will be required to pay the independent treatment providers for their services or classes. You will also be required to pay for monitored sobriety, such as alcohol and drug testing through breathalyzers, urinalysis, and electronic monitoring (SCRAM, OSM, TAD, or SmartStart). The cost of these services is separate from your fines and costs issued by the Court. The Court has a very limited amount of money to assist with treatment for clients who qualify. Probation Officers are authorized to issue vouchers to pay for a portion of treatment or monitoring on a very limited basis for special circumstances for those probationers that qualify when funding is available.