Denver County Court

Juvenile Diversion

Denver Public Safety Youth Programs is an organization in Denver that has a number of prevention and intervention programs to reduce crimes committed by youth in Denver. Denver Public Safety Youth Programs has partnered with the Court and the City Attorney’s Office to operate the Municipal Juvenile Diversion Program in Denver County Court.

Diversion is designed to provide an alternative to the traditional court process for juveniles who have violated a municipal ordinance such as curfew, petty theft, and minor assaults.

Pending approval of the City Attorney, youth with little or no previous juvenile court involvement are eligible to participate in the program if they choose. Diversion is a voluntary program. Youth participating in Diversion are required to complete an intake, with a parent or legal guardian, to assist in the development of an individualized case plan for the family. Case plan requirements can range from in-house groups, such as drug and alcohol prevention, to referrals to community-based organizations for counseling.

In exchange, youth who successfully complete all requirements are not required to return to court and the case is dismissed without court fees or fines.

For questions about the Diversion Program, contact (720) 913-4619.